
Finding Peace in Turbulent Times

The past few years have brought unforgettable challenges and uncertainties, with the COVID-19 pandemic and social upheaval causing many to feel the...

Holiness Lectures

Dr. Matt Ayars, Dr. Chris Bounds, and Dr. Caleb Friedeman present their work, "Holiness: A Biblical, Historical, and Systematic Theology". This...

Evil or Revival?

“Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and...

Curious Wisdom-4

athletics, activities, and accessibility. Of course, great Christian schools do these from a distinctively Christian perspective. This post addresses...

man performing on stage

The Symphony of Pentecost

RS: From the Archives…Dr. Ray “The world is needing to hear the voice of the Spirit in the life of the church!” Listen to my dad...

Easter celebration at the tomb

The Easter Narrative

It is interesting how the notion of unexpectedness appears through the Passion Week of Jesus’ life. He rode into town on a donkey instead of a...

A Place in His World-3

DESIRE THE KINGDOM – loving the right things in the right order: God, people, the world, learning, work. I believe the biblical message still works...

Selah: Worth the Wait

In ancient Israel, the word selah was used to indicate places in Psalms where the choir paused to sing a refrain. (It occurs 71 times in Psalms.)...

Is the Bible Myth or History?

As humans we learn, think, communicate, everything we do happens through stories to the very heart of who we are. I would argue this grows out of who...