
Making Good Tables

Some musings about holiness, work, and redemption. I am doing some work with a university that is unashamedly in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition and...

Great Questions

The longer I work with teams in organizations, the more I realize the power of asking the right questions. Here’s a sampling from Bob...

Asking the Right Questions

“What builds a relationship, what solves problems, what moves things forward is asking the RIGHT questions.” Ed Schein in Humble Inquiry...

Why Don’t Students Like School?

I've started in on Daniel Willingham's Why Don't Students Like School. The sub-line is more informative: "A cognitive scientist answers questions...

The Death of the Good

Great video here from Prager on why modern art is so bad. But it applies to the question of truth in general. The loss of an objective aesthetic in...

Teaching Five Minds

Howard Gardner is the psychologist and educator who introduced the idea of multiple intelligences. More recently, Gardner has suggested five distinct...

The Church and the World

One error says that we should abandon the world and run away from it, and the other error says that we should on the world and run it.