
Is leadership a “thing”?

Is leadership a “thing”?

Is it possible to have a unified or general theory of leadership? I was fascinated by that last written question on my PhD comps. Even with the...

Take that, GOP

Take that, GOP

This interesting piece from AP. To wit: Plenty of Republicans from the conservative to the liberal wings of the party agree the GOP is in shambles as...

Post-Election 2008: Now What?

Post-Election 2008: Now What?

Some off-the-cuff musings about the election yesterday… President-elect Obama has promised showers of blessings and a veritable cornucopia of...

In Leadership, Character Matters

In Leadership, Character Matters

; Somebody emailed me this YouTube link. As shown in some of the comments, many are outraged as to the claims and presentation of the video’s...

Thoughts on Followership

Thoughts on Followership

OBEDIENCE | For the sake of conversation, I share this concept of followership as obedience or submission. This captures both the leadership and the...

Who (Really) Are Followers?

Who (Really) Are Followers?

Who and what are followers and how are they really different from leaders? Successful leaders and successful followers share the same basic...

Complexity & Leadership

Complexity & Leadership

A complex group can be understood as a web of interactions between group members, outside contextual dynamics, and the parameters of the group as its...

Finishing Well

I have previously done some work in my graduate program on the topic of how leaders “finish well.” Finishing well describes how leaders...

Prospectors & Defenders

Prospectors & Defenders

Miles & Snow describe four basic archetypes – overarching categories – of how organizations tend to function. Defenders value stability and...

Leadership: No Such Thing?

What is Leadership? I resonate with Richard Barker’s argument that leadership still isn’t really a construct. Leadership studies are all...