
  • Hofstrede’s dimension of culture & leadership

    Hofstrede’s dimension of culture & leadership

    Five dimensions of culture (Hofstede): Power distance – the degree and range of the distribution of power among societal groups Uncertainty avoidance – level of comfort with unstructured, uncontrollable situations Individualism / collectivism – degree to which individuals care for themselves versus being cared for in a group (family) Masculinity / femininity – the distribution…

  • Leadership needs theology

    Leadership needs theology

    No leadership model can realize its visions for life and community without a solid theological foundation that connects the reality of biblical revelation, historical experience, a proper view of the human person, and sound cultural exegesis. This means having or developing a solid theology of leadership. We need a deeper understanding of leadership of a community or an organization from a biblical (and holiness) worldview,…

  • The Ego of Servant Leaders

    http://leadershipfreak.wordpress.com/2014/12/11/egoless-leadership-is-a-myth/ I ran across this post arguing that ego-less leadership is a myth.  (Interesting read. You might check it out before continuing on here.) Ego-driven leaders ultimately exist to be served by people. We all have an ego–that’s a normal part of th human psyche. To sagely argue that egoless leadership is a myth is somewhat…

  • Marriage, Trinity, & the Imago Dei

    Some thoughts and musings on traditional marriage, human sexuality, the Trinity and the Image of God… The US 6th Circuit Court upheld state bans on gay marriage. In all likelihood, this will result in the Supreme Court taking up the question now that contradictory rulings have come down from the federal circuit courts. So why this definition? Why…

  • 4C Quality Faculty Model for Higher Education

    4C Quality Faculty Model for Higher Education

    Something I’ve been working on for Oklahoma Wesleyan University… The 4CQ Faculty Model attempts to describe the broader “universe” of what a faculty member does as a teacher in a classroom. Much of the literature on online and adult learning up until the last couple of years has emphasized the student side of the equation…

  • Obama: Fathers Matter…Unless, Apparently, You Have Two Mothers

    Obama (unwittingly?) makes the case for the traditional definition of marriage: “Of all the rocks upon which we build our lives, we are reminded today that family is the most important foundation. And we are called to recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation. They are teachers and coaches. They are…