Read Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 coming up…
I believe education of our children and students, regardless of the domain, has to achieve 2 goals if it is going to be biblically sound. First, it has to guide a child into desiring the kingdom of God (Matthew 6:33). Second, it has to help that child discover their place in God’s world (Jeremiah 29:11; 1 Corinthians 12:27; Romans 12).
DESIRE THE KINGDOM – loving the right things in the right order: God, people, the world, learning, work. I believe the biblical message still works today. Get these right and the rest will fall into place for our kids’ lives because this is how God made us to live.
DISCOVER THEIR PLACE – every child has inherent dignity, value, and worth because they are made in the image of God. Our students need to hear constantly the truth that they are made on purpose for a purpose; they are made by the Light, for the Light, and to be the Light.
Every person, regardless of academic ability, has a place in God’s community and gifts with which God has equipped them to use in that community. Our aim as a Christ-centered school is to help each student discover their gifts and begin to use them with great passion and joy.
Christ-centered education reminds us that God’s vision for discipleship is pervasive and comprehensive. It is not limited to what we wrongly call the “sacred” realm or spiritual matters only, but all of life.
What if Christian schools defined their student outcomes something like this? That our students and graduates will be passionate lovers of God, compassionate lovers of others, wise lovers of the created world, hungry lovers of truth and knowledge, and skilled lovers of good work done to the glory of God.
Abraham Kuyper, Dutch pastor and theologian, famously declared, “In the total expanse of human life there is not a square inch of which the Christ, who alone is sovereign, does not declare, ‘That is mine!’”
There is no area of life, society, or the cosmos that does not fall under the lordship of Christ. To be a disciple – and to make disciples – is to live a life where everything is oriented by and around this lordship of Jesus across the spiritual, physical, social, emotional, political, educational, or economic domains of our lives. This is the ultimate aim of discipleship…and education. Where we desire the kingdom to this extent in our lives.
Desire the kingdom of God and discover and take your place in his world – that is the recipe for the good life.