
Trinitarian Leadership

Trinitarian Leadership

The recent trends in organizational studies of spirituality, relationality, complexity, authenticity, and servanthood echo key themes in Christian...

Faith & Christian Scholarship

Faith & Christian Scholarship

If we ‘unhook’ our Christian framework from the discussion of spirituality in the marketplace, we perpetuate the discouragement of...

Transcendence in Leadership

Transcendence in Leadership

Max du Pree (Leadership is an Art) says that the primary responsibility of leaders is to define reality. Henri Nouwen (1989) wrote that the task of...

Power-full Leadership

Power-full Leadership

Calvin Miller writes in The Empowered Leader, “the cross of Christ is the focus for all who commit themselves to leadership. The cross proves...

Who’s your moral leader?

Who’s your moral leader?

From Bob Novak’s latest Political Report (5/2/07): Former Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) had a deer-in-the-headlights moment not unlike the one...

Who are Good Leaders?

Who are Good Leaders?

A friend of mine just asked me over lunch, “Who are some good leaders?” Having been wrestling on some writing projects involving...

Vision Hiding Personal Ambition

Vision Hiding Personal Ambition

From Upside Down: The Paradox of Servant Leadership by Stacy Rinehart: What is called ‘vision’ can be merely a ‘spiritually...

Transforming the Leader

Transforming the Leader

Moral character and virtue play a significant role in leadership. Current research is growing more and more convinced of the vital role that...

The Paradox of Power and Service

The Paradox of Power and Service

Servant leadership is seen as a paradox of leading through giving up power and serving others. This oxymoron is usually framed as a contrast of power...