Power-full Leadership

Calvin Miller writes in The Empowered Leader, “the cross of Christ is the focus for all who commit themselves to leadership. The cross proves that anytime we take ultimate steps to obey God, human opinion can move swiftly against us…We best exonerate our leadership by reckoning ourselves dead to our ambition. Those who crucify themselves have nothing to lose.”

Leaders who have died to themselves (Gal. 2:20) don’t draw their status and significance as leaders from those whom they lead. Thus, they are free to serve, empower, guide, and inspire others to reach their full potential. Regarding Jesus as a leader, Diogenes Allen says

“his position, his status, his authority do not spring from anything human. They do not depend even on our acknowledgment. Without a single disciple, he is still the Son of God. Precisely because he does not need us, precisely because his status does not rest upon us, he can serve us…he can be free to let people choose…he can even be slain for us…Because his lordship rests on the Father, he is free to enhance us.”

Power and ambition are often equated with negative leadership. However, it is the leader’s self-interest that drives self-serving (and other-destroying) leadership. The leader who has crucified self can rightly wield power for divine purposes. This is the secret to powerful leadership: living outside of yourself for those whom you lead.