
  • What is the Old Testament?

    What is the Old Testament?

    The Old Testament, or the Hebrew scriptures, are 39 books inspired by God that make up 75% of the Bible. These books covers the history of humanity from creation up until about 400 BC. It’s the record of mankind’s origin, how God created the world, how we came to be, what our purpose was, humanity’s…

  • What is the “kingdom”?

    What is the “kingdom”?

    National Geographic has this very interesting article about kingdoms. A kingdom is a piece of land that is ruled by a king or a queen. A kingdom is often called a monarchy, which means that one person, usually inheriting their position by birth or marriage, is the leader, or head of state. Kingdoms are one of the earliest types of societies on…

  • Innovation, a Messy World, and Purpose

    Innovation, a Messy World, and Purpose

    In his 1985 classic management book, A Passion for Excellence, Tom Peters offers a very insightful and valuable perspective of innovation and order. In Chapter 3 on “The Mythology of Innovation,” Peters writes: “It is a messy world…the only way to proceed is by constant experimentation: ‘Don’t just stand there, do something.’ If constant experimentation is the…

  • We Are What We Love-2

    We Are What We Love-2

    small Bible college in central Indiana when I was not yet 2 years old. He was an educator, professor, and administrator his entire ministry. I grew up on the campus of that Bible college. With the exception of about 2 years off for good behavior, I was in school from 1978 until 2011 when I…

  • Education and the “Good” Life-1

    Education and the “Good” Life-1

    they can do, how they experience their world? From time to time, I wonder what will happen to kids like that over the years by the time they graduate high school.

  • DNA of Biblical Leadership

    DNA of Biblical Leadership

    Some thoughts on church leadership dynamics concerning the roles of preacher and pastor. Ephesians 4 names five “offices” or roles that together make up leadership within the Church. For there to be effective, spiritual, and transformative leadership in the congregation, each of these has to be present and healthy: apostolic leadership – emphasizes the outward expansion of…